Guidelines for Physical Oral Presentations

For Local Presenters only

Oral presentations will be held on the 23rd of November and each author will be given a total of 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation followed by a 5 min Q & A session). All the Technical Sessions will be conducted physically on the 23rd and 24th of November. Presenters must attend the conference and be there physically at the Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Pitipana, Homagama during their assigned session as per the schedule.

 If the designated presenter cannot participate in the conference physically, a co-author must attend the conference and present the research findings. If none of the authors show up to present the research findings, the respective abstract will be removed from the proceedings without publishing.

Technical Sessions will be conducted in track-wise parallel sessions located at the lecture hall complex on both days.

Presenters must be at the room where the respective session is to be conducted 30 minutes before the session starts and save a copy of the presentation on the computer before the beginning of the session.

Each author will be given 10 minutes for the presentation. At the 8-minute mark, the first bell will ring and after another 2 minutes, the final bell will ring. Please note that we will strictly adhere to the 10-minute time limitation.

After the presentation, a 5-minute Q & A session will be opened. Chairpersons and judges will initiate the discussion on your research findings.

Presenters are instructed to prepare their presentation slides in PowerPoint format using their template to comply with the above time allocation.

Each presentation will be evaluated by a panel of judges and the winners will be awarded at the closing ceremony held on the 24th Afternoon.