Guidelines for Online Oral Presentations

For International Presenters only

Oral presentations will be held on the 23rd of November and each author will be given a total of 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation followed by a 5 min Q & A session) via Zoom.

Please send a recorded video of your video presentation to the track chair ( on or before the 20th of November 2023, to use as a backup in case any live technical issues arise. Please specify your Abstract ID when sending the recorded video. For the file name, use the format “Paper ID_Author Name”.

The Session host will contact you in advance for instructions and more details on your presentation (Please keep your mobile handy and monitoring of emails before the session).

We highly recommend the presenting author to join the session 10 minutes prior to the start time of the session even if your paper is scheduled later in the session.

Presenting authors should rename your zoom profile name as Paper ID_Author Name_Presenting (e.g., 2_A.B.C Jhon_Presenting).

The author should indicate to the session chair that you have logged in to the session (Type the paper ID and the presenting author’s name in the chat box e.g., 2_A.B.C Jhon).

The presenting author must actively participate in the Q & A session just after the presentation, otherwise, the paper will not be published in the conference proceedings.